Sunday, February 4, 2007

The 1st edition of International Show opens Februrary 6 at 18:00

The organizers proudly announce the opening of the first edition of International Show, on view February 6, through June 6 2007. The exhibition is Norway’s latest survey of young promising artists of the international contemporary art scene, in good company with well establish artists. It will feature more than 7 works mainly Nordic artists. Even an extensive program will be presented with talks, seminars, performances and clubs.

Valerie Kirshenbaum Curator of the Pear Museum Los Angeles, USA, organized the exhibition in collaboration with Co- Curator Rickard Borgström, Independent Curator, Trondheim Norway.

“All of the artists selected for the first edition of the show have been chosen because they contributed greatly to the contemporary art discourse over the past two years.” said Kirshenbaum “Many of the artist convey a particular attitude that invites to a close contact with the audience as well a forward- looking context sensitivity”

International Show 2007 will be organized in scale- down exhibition format, to explore the
apartment as an art space, as well investigating the biennale institutional structure, even the biennale production process is part of this investigation , by suggesting to the artists to re- shape, re-move, add art works trough out the show.

The chosen artists are Camilla Løw, Katrine Persson, Lisa Stålspets, Nina Svensson, Jessika Thörnqvist, Linus Elmes.

The Establish Artists is still to be announced.

If you have questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact us. More information concerning the exhibition will be available at

Camilla Løw 1976 born in Olso, Educated at Glasgow School of Art
Camilla makes sculpture that engage with the modernist heritage: their minimalism has been compared to Donald Judd, and their colour schemes and glossy, painted surfaces to Anthony Caro. However, her work lacks the bravado of much of 60’s sculpture, and is perhaps closer in sprit to the experimental textile designs of the Russian Constructivists.
Solo Exhibtions include: Sutton Lane, London (2004), Bandido Projectroom, The collective, Edinburgh (2004), Jack Hanley Gallery, San Francisco (2005). Group exhibitions include: Blankness is not a void, Standard Oslo (2005), Contemporary Nordic Sculpture 1980-2005, Wanas Foundation (2005).

Katrine Persson 1976 born in Stockholm, Educated at Gothenburg Art Academy
Katrines works often consist of a performative act in relation to her audience, actually it all about the audince. Her play- like situations, either it is photography, performance or sound, consists of a laid- back friendly atmosphere, with the same allowance between close friends. The work in it self don’t express smartness rather it aims to come closer, to lower social barriers, and suggest art as meeting point as good as any.
Solo Exhibtions include: Kunsthall, Göteborg (2005)
Group Exhibtions include: PERFORM06/Gallery KIT, Trondheim (2006), Gallery Ping Pong, Malmö (2006), Art Fair Sollentuna, Stockholm (2005)

Lisa Stålspets 1978 born in Stockholm, Educated at Trondheim Art Academy
In her works she use phantasmagorial compositions to create compound imaginary universes, which narrative entangled the audience in a ever growing associative space. In a way does her naïve approach and very well though through dramaturgy spellbound each one of us. She works mainly with drawing, text and video.
Solo Exhibtions include: Gallery Blunk, Trondheim (2006)
Group Exhibition include: Vårsalongen, Liljevalchs konsthall, Stockholm (2007), Trønderutstillingen, Trøndelag Senter for Samtidskunst, Trondheim (2006), Tegnerförbundets vårutstilling, Tegnerförbundet, Oslo (2005), Höstutstillingen, Kunstnerenes Hus, Oslo (2003)

Nina Svensson 1968 born in Timrå, Educated Umeå Academy of Fine Art
Nina work as collector with site- sensitive touch, she assembles material from everyday life, to transgress it from a realm of reality to the realm of art, without loosing contact with ordinary life. The result is often a retiring style, which one hand confuses the audience in it unpretentious everyday life aesthetics and on the other hand engage the audience, by total clarity, in a poetic moment of identification.
Solo Exhibtions include: Art Fair Sollentuna, Stockholm (2006), Gallery 60, Umeå (2005)
Group Exhibtions include: More Than This, Norway/Sweden/Finland (2006), Box Sculpture Park, Marieberg (2005), Rooseum, Malmö (2005), Bildmuseet, Umeå (2005)

Jessika Thörnqvist 1975 born in Helsingborg, Educated at Trondheim Art Academy
Jessika work as a collaborator in her many projects concerning sub- cultural communities shared interests, in particular club- and dj- culture. With a sensitive respons to the ambience in the situation of her event, makes them unpredictable. Chance is her way of remixing conventions and expectations whether it regards Dj- culture or the art world. She also works with video, textile and drawing.
Solo Exhibtions include: Et Stunt, Trondheim (2005)
Group Exhibitions include: Myymälä2, Helsinki (2005), Art Museum, Trondheim (2004)

Linus Elmes 1972 born i Vingåker, Educated at Stockholm University College of Arts, Crafts and Design.
Linus has an exceptional clear analyse of institutional systems. His work initiate processes of change within the institutional frame, with both an oppositional and fascinated artistic attitude towards it, as well as using the knowledge as a tool as practicing the same game.
Solo Exhibtions include: Ak28, Stockholm (2006)
Group Exhibtions include: Instabule Biennale, (2005)

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