Friday, December 22, 2006

INTERNATIONAL SHOW- call for proposals.

Dear Friends, This is a reminder that the deadline for entries for the INTERNATIONAL SHOW 2007 is drawing near. If you are interested in entering please do send in your project proposals as soon as possible before 12 January 2007.

As its contribution to the project, International Show will make the space available for free and will provide basic security and electricity during the run of the show (exceptional needs with regard to the latter will be the responsibility of the organizers).
Mail us projectplan, sketch, CV to
The selection of the winning proposal will take place by January 26, 2007.If you have any other inquiries please do not hesitate to contact us.Best regards, International Show Team

The first International Show will be launched in Trondheim, Norway. The International Show will run from 6 feburary to 6 of june.
The International Festival aims to promoting new artistic trends and organising international events in the contemporary arts in accordance with a multi-disciplinary model which characterises its unique nature. Further it whish to stimulate artistic production. Therefore artists are invited to produce new works for the show. The program also offers a artists in residence studio.

International Show

On the 06/02/07 the first International Show will be launched in Trondheim, Norway.

The International show aims to stimulate artistic production. Therefore artists are invited to produce new works for the show. The program also offers a Artists in residence studio and a Open Call for project proposals for the show.

Invited artists will soon be announced.

For more information contact